Our Curriculum is sequenced to allow students to build their knowledge and skills over time by: - providing a high-quality, all-round education, delivering valuable learning opportunities and experiences for all students, including those with SEND and specific talents
- providing glossaries, opportunities for reading, discussion and debate, encouraging writing with confidence.
- recognising the importance of digital literacy and provides opportunities for the development of the IT skills required for life
- equipping students with the skills they need to function safely and responsibly in an increasingly technological world
- providing young people with opportunities to hold balanced and well-informed conversations about being a positive citizen in modern Britain.
| Citizenship provides students with opportunities for them to develop the habits and skills needed to succeed in life during and after BFA by: - igniting a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty of the world, advancing global perspectives and international understanding and exploring the interactions between people and places to foster feelings of hope and happiness and thereby enhance physical and mental health and well-being
- promoting an appreciation of, and respect for, different cultures and viewpoints, arming our students with the knowledge and skills to celebrate and protect the planet we share, whilst remaining able to question, debate and value the world around them
- delivering a breadth of curriculum across key stages 3 and 4, that enhances cultural capital by immersing students into a wide range of social, economic, political, and environmental contexts around the globe at a variety of scales.
- recognising the wonder and beauty of spiritual, moral, social and cultural diversity not just at a global level but closer to home, within our community and school, encouraging and supporting the development of them
- seeking and delivering opportunities to venture beyond the school and BD4 into the city, wider county and further afield, enabling students to engage their senses and absorb new experiences both physical and human, to further enhance the quality of education on offer.
- exploring, comparing, and contrasting our own lives with those of others at a variety of scales of place from local to national to global, identifying the inter-relationships and connections that exist
- exploring what our rights and responsibilities are as positive global citizens.