Maths at Bradford Forster Academy
Through teaching with excellence and modelling exemplary behaviour, the mathematics department strives to challenge, motivate, and inspire greatness in our students enabling them to become outstanding and ambitious mathematicians.
Our inclusive curriculum design ensures the needs of all pupils are met, regardless of their starting point or ability. We have the highest expectations for all pupils, and through quality first teaching and appropriate interventions we aim to ensure all students can succeed.
We aim for all students to engage positively and enjoy mathematics. This in turn allows students to embed their mathematical skills through a spaced learning approach, with a strong focus on staff pedagogical practice and training, ultimately enabling students to succeed in real world applications of maths, qualifications and an increased self-esteem.
At KS3 the purpose of the maths curriculum is to consolidate students understanding of key topics so that they become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics at their personalised level. It is vital that students develop a deep understanding of topics and consolidate that understanding before moving on. This is supplemented by a large focus on both functional maths and proving mathematical concepts, so that students can solve problems and reason mathematically.
At KS4, the curriculum is differentiated for students of different mathematical abilities, ensuring that all students make excellent progress from their own starting points. Pupils will follow an appropriate route that has been carefully designed to create a learning journey in which the students regularly retrieve and build upon prior knowledge and skills and apply them to their new learning. The curriculum is designed to enable teachers to meet the needs of each individual student by stretching students beyond their comfort zone, whilst also supporting students to be confident mathematicians and problem solvers.
In partnership with our strong Christian foundations and high-quality teaching and learning practice, Maths at Bradford Forster Academy encourages students to become: | |
Maths is sequenced to allow students to build their knowledge and skills over time by:
| Maths provides students with opportunities for them to develop the habits and skills needed to succeed in life during and after BFA by:
In achieving this, we endeavour to support our students in breaking through limited horizons and becoming confident, effective, and employable citizens within the context of the local community of BD4, Bradford and beyond.