Pupil Premium at Bradford Forster Academy
At Bradford Forster Academy, we work hard to remove barriers, scaffold success and raise aspirations for all, irrespective of their starting points.
The Pupil Premium is a grant provided to schools and academies for pupils aged 11 to 16 who are on Free School Meals, have been on Free School Meals at some point in the last 6 years, for Looked After Children and for Services Children. From April 2022 the Government provides a further £985 per child and this money is to be used in narrowing the gap between the progress of pupils who are “disadvantaged”.
Our Pupil Premium Strategy Report for 2024-25 includes:
- A summary of the main barriers to educational achievement our students face and our priorities for the next 3 years
- Our strategy for our use of the pupil premium with reasons for the spend and what impact it had last year (and the estimated impact for this year);
- A review of last year’s expenditure and the proposed spend for this year.
If you feel that your child is eligible for the Pupil Premium but don’t currently claim for Free School Meals, please click here for more information