Computing and Enterprise at Bradford Forster Academy
“Empowering the digital innovators and creators and responsible users of tomorrow, today.”
Through teaching with excellence and modelling exemplary behaviour, the Computing and Enterprise department strives to challenge, motivate and inspire greatness in our students enabling them to become outstanding and ambitious for themselves. Computing and Enterprise are deeply embedded within every element of society, at Bradford Forster Academy we endeavour to educate and empower young people to be able to successfully access, confidently use and progress with technology as part of lifelong learning.
In partnership with our strong Christian foundations and high-quality teaching and learning practice, Computing and Enterprise at Bradford Forster Academy encourages students to become: | |
Computing and Enterprise is sequenced to allow students to build their knowledge and skills over time by:
| Computing and Enterprise provides students with opportunities for them to develop the habits and skills needed to be successful in life during and after BFA by:
In achieving this, we endeavour to support our students in breaking through limited horizons and becoming confident, effective, and employable citizens within the context of the local community of BD4, Bradford and beyond.